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Writer's pictureSamantha Mekhail Von Ins

How direct primary care can actually save you money

A few people have brought a valid concern to my attention: how is this care model affordable and worth my money? For many patients who already have insurance, this question may come to mind when considering direct primary care (DPC). Here's why this model is not only affordable, but LESS expensive than the traditional method. More importantly, DPC will also provide BETTER care for LESS MONEY.

Here is an actual scenario that I encountered. My patient, let's call her Jennifer, developed urinary tract symptoms over the weekend. On the weekend, she only had 2 choices for care: urgent care or ER. Her ER co-pay was $250, so she opted for urgent care, which was $80. She had to wait SIX HOURS to be seen. But Jennifer had no alternative, so she went to urgent care. She was initially not prescribed antibiotics because she was seen by an NP who didn't know her and didn't know her health history. She went back the NEXT DAY and had to pay another $80 and was finally given antibiotics. She had to follow-up with her PCP the following week in the insurance based model and had to pay another $50 for her co-pay.

Let's summarize:

OUT of POCKET FEES: $80 urgent care copay x2 + $50 co-pay to PCP = $210

Not including the delay in care by a whole day and a six hour urgent care stay.

In DPC, she could have texted, called, or sent a message on the patient portal and received a resolution within an hour. Even on a weekend. All for $99 total. With no delays, and by a doctor that knows her history well and knows exactly what to do for Jennifer.

Seems like it's too good to be true? Well it is true. It's called direct primary care. Come see the difference at Prosperite Health, where you will receive personalized care with no delays.

Dr. Von Ins is a primary care physician in Orange, California. She has practiced medicine for over 10 years and has a passion for wellness, preventive care, and working with her patient as a team to develop the best care plan.

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